Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Regardless of what trauma or drama is going on in your life or around you, regardless of what mood anyone else is in-don't become a dark cloud - Keep Shining On!
Don't compromise your Joy and Happiness because of anything on the outside of you. Choose to stay Sunny and Serene. Choose to keep a Smile on your face, Humor in your heart, a Positive Attitude and a Cheerful disposition to All you encounter today.
And do it for YOU. For your well being, your Peace of Mind. Do it to stay Motivated. Do it to Set the Example for others to see and follow if they choose to.
At the end of the day, what would you rather have people say about you?
"Wow, that person is such a downer. So negative and hard to be around."
"Okay that person is just too positive and cheerful. There is just way too much fun going on"
Today I Choose to be a Shining example of Positive ME Power!
Have a Terrific Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You Every day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
What is Non- Negotiable for you?
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Do you know what your non-negotiables in life are? If you do, do you hold strong to them or do you compromise them away?
Take a little time and ask yourself "What things in my life, what values of mine are deal breakers, are non-negotiable?" Then ask yourself "If I feel this strongly about something do I follow through and hold fast to my beliefs or do I make excuses and say "Well next time I'll say something" or "This really isn't a good time to take a stand"?
It takes courage and strength to stand up for your personal beliefs and values. It is not always comfortable however it is well worth the effort.
When you give away your power, when you compromise your values, when you negotiate on one of your non-negotiables, your body, mind and spirit lets you know right away. Your mind tells you "Why didn't you say something/do something?" The inner critic kicks in and starts the negative self talk. You feel irritable and moody.
Your body reacts with a headache, stomach ache, clenching of your jaw line. A tightness in your chest, a feeling of anger and or resentment, anxiety and Your breathing becomes shallow, not full and complete.
Your spirit calls to you. You feel out of balance, not connected or grounded. Your energy and motivation stall out.
When you stand strong in your integrity and your beliefs your mind tells you "Good for you! Way to Go!" Your body feels calm, strong, a little exhilarated for standing in your truth. You feel self assured and confident.
Your spirit soars. You feel lifted to a higher place. You are motivated and have the energy to go onto to the next set of tasks for the day.
Which results would you like? Today before you consider negotiating anything important to you, check in with your body, mind and spirit and let it guide you.
Today I keep my Integrity intact by walking my talk and matching up my words, my actions and my beliefs.
Have a Stand in Your Truth Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Do you know what your non-negotiables in life are? If you do, do you hold strong to them or do you compromise them away?
Take a little time and ask yourself "What things in my life, what values of mine are deal breakers, are non-negotiable?" Then ask yourself "If I feel this strongly about something do I follow through and hold fast to my beliefs or do I make excuses and say "Well next time I'll say something" or "This really isn't a good time to take a stand"?
It takes courage and strength to stand up for your personal beliefs and values. It is not always comfortable however it is well worth the effort.
When you give away your power, when you compromise your values, when you negotiate on one of your non-negotiables, your body, mind and spirit lets you know right away. Your mind tells you "Why didn't you say something/do something?" The inner critic kicks in and starts the negative self talk. You feel irritable and moody.
Your body reacts with a headache, stomach ache, clenching of your jaw line. A tightness in your chest, a feeling of anger and or resentment, anxiety and Your breathing becomes shallow, not full and complete.
Your spirit calls to you. You feel out of balance, not connected or grounded. Your energy and motivation stall out.
When you stand strong in your integrity and your beliefs your mind tells you "Good for you! Way to Go!" Your body feels calm, strong, a little exhilarated for standing in your truth. You feel self assured and confident.
Your spirit soars. You feel lifted to a higher place. You are motivated and have the energy to go onto to the next set of tasks for the day.
Which results would you like? Today before you consider negotiating anything important to you, check in with your body, mind and spirit and let it guide you.
Today I keep my Integrity intact by walking my talk and matching up my words, my actions and my beliefs.
Have a Stand in Your Truth Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
body mind connection,
Friday, September 24, 2010
My Success Habits Vision Board

vision board
Multi Accomplishments a few Minutes at a Time
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
We've all heard of Spring cleaning. However, the seasons have changed. We are officially into Fall with Winter and all the Holidays that go along with it not far behind. It may seem overwhleming to think about it- after all it seems that we barely have time to do the regular day to day things in our life! Don't panic! Take a deep breath in and then out- and Relax!
Today is the day!
Start with making a list. List all the things that you want to accomplish for the Fall/ Winter. This is NOT a list that is meant to get done in a day or even a week. Just take 1-3 things on your master list and put them on your daily list.
Find one thing you have been procrastinating about and take action! Set a timer for 15 minutes or maybe a half an hour and when the timer goes off - Stop! Now move on to another task. At the end of the day you will be surprised at how much you have accomplished- even if it is only one thing! That's one thing you can take off your list.
Keep your focus on just doing a little bit each day. Your timer will become your best friend. Your sense of accomplishment will grow each day.
So go ahead! Start with one timer zone. Invest just 15 minutes at a time and see what fabulous results happen!
I can accomplish great results in just 15 minutes at a time!
Have a Multi Accomplishment Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You Every day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
We've all heard of Spring cleaning. However, the seasons have changed. We are officially into Fall with Winter and all the Holidays that go along with it not far behind. It may seem overwhleming to think about it- after all it seems that we barely have time to do the regular day to day things in our life! Don't panic! Take a deep breath in and then out- and Relax!
Today is the day!
Start with making a list. List all the things that you want to accomplish for the Fall/ Winter. This is NOT a list that is meant to get done in a day or even a week. Just take 1-3 things on your master list and put them on your daily list.
Find one thing you have been procrastinating about and take action! Set a timer for 15 minutes or maybe a half an hour and when the timer goes off - Stop! Now move on to another task. At the end of the day you will be surprised at how much you have accomplished- even if it is only one thing! That's one thing you can take off your list.
Keep your focus on just doing a little bit each day. Your timer will become your best friend. Your sense of accomplishment will grow each day.
So go ahead! Start with one timer zone. Invest just 15 minutes at a time and see what fabulous results happen!
I can accomplish great results in just 15 minutes at a time!
Have a Multi Accomplishment Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You Every day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Prioritize You!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
There are only 24 hours in a day. Each day you prioritize what you put into your 24 hours. You use part of the 24 hours for work, sleep, eating, driving, appointments, errands and meeting the needs of friends, family and co- workers.
What about you? Do you prioritize taking care of you? Or does time run out and you put yourself on the back burner- maybe you'll find time tomorrow or the next day?
Well there is no time like this present moment. Make a point today to prioritize time for you - just for you. Put a high priority on fitting You into your 24 hours. If you don't usually take a break during the day or even take the time for lunch then today take that break, go out and have lunch. If you want to get some exercise but find there is just too much to do, today take the time for you - go for a walk, go to the gym, take the stairs instead of the elevator and know that you are doing this because YOU are important.
If You don't make You a high priority each day then why should anyone else make you a high priority? Set the example and demonstrate that You are important enough to prioritize part of your 24 hours just for you.
I am worthy and deserving of making myself a daily High Priority.
Have a Prioritizing YOU Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day, in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
There are only 24 hours in a day. Each day you prioritize what you put into your 24 hours. You use part of the 24 hours for work, sleep, eating, driving, appointments, errands and meeting the needs of friends, family and co- workers.
What about you? Do you prioritize taking care of you? Or does time run out and you put yourself on the back burner- maybe you'll find time tomorrow or the next day?
Well there is no time like this present moment. Make a point today to prioritize time for you - just for you. Put a high priority on fitting You into your 24 hours. If you don't usually take a break during the day or even take the time for lunch then today take that break, go out and have lunch. If you want to get some exercise but find there is just too much to do, today take the time for you - go for a walk, go to the gym, take the stairs instead of the elevator and know that you are doing this because YOU are important.
If You don't make You a high priority each day then why should anyone else make you a high priority? Set the example and demonstrate that You are important enough to prioritize part of your 24 hours just for you.
I am worthy and deserving of making myself a daily High Priority.
Have a Prioritizing YOU Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day, in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
self care,
time management,
Friday, September 17, 2010
Cheer Yourself On!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today is a great day to be your own cheerleader! Don't wait for someone else to boost you up today. Cheer yourself on in all you do. Tell your inner critic "You're Fired!! Tell Fear to "get out of here!"
Then start the self Cheers! Here's what your inner cheerleader says:
Be a Leader, Lead Yourself into Success!
Just do One thing, take One Step- Right Now!
Give 100% to Yourself Today!
Keep Going You Can Do It!
Act Like a Winner and So You Are!
Honor Yourself and Keep Your Commitment to You!
Following Through is a Success!
You already have Inside what it takes to Make it on the Outside!
Invest in Yourself- You Are Worth it!
Just Keep Going- you are Unstoppable!
So go ahead and cheer yourself on today- then do it- Everyday!
Have a 'Cheer'ful Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Today is a great day to be your own cheerleader! Don't wait for someone else to boost you up today. Cheer yourself on in all you do. Tell your inner critic "You're Fired!! Tell Fear to "get out of here!"
Then start the self Cheers! Here's what your inner cheerleader says:
Be a Leader, Lead Yourself into Success!
Just do One thing, take One Step- Right Now!
Give 100% to Yourself Today!
Keep Going You Can Do It!
Act Like a Winner and So You Are!
Honor Yourself and Keep Your Commitment to You!
Following Through is a Success!
You already have Inside what it takes to Make it on the Outside!
Invest in Yourself- You Are Worth it!
Just Keep Going- you are Unstoppable!
So go ahead and cheer yourself on today- then do it- Everyday!
Have a 'Cheer'ful Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Weekend Checklist
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Position yourself for a Great Weekend! Let's go through the checklist:
*Positive Frame of Mind Check!
*Connecting with others Check!
*Positive Feelings Check!
*A Sense of Adventure Check!
*Positive Actions Check!
*An Attitude of Gratitude Check!
*Random Acts of Kindness Check!
*Taking Time for Myself Check!
*Laughing & Enjoying the Day Check!
Okay you're all set to be Positively You and Enjoy A Fabulous Weekend!
I set myself up each day for a Great Weekend!
Have a Positively Enjoyable Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Position yourself for a Great Weekend! Let's go through the checklist:
*Positive Frame of Mind Check!
*Connecting with others Check!
*Positive Feelings Check!
*A Sense of Adventure Check!
*Positive Actions Check!
*An Attitude of Gratitude Check!
*Random Acts of Kindness Check!
*Taking Time for Myself Check!
*Laughing & Enjoying the Day Check!
Okay you're all set to be Positively You and Enjoy A Fabulous Weekend!
I set myself up each day for a Great Weekend!
Have a Positively Enjoyable Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
check list,
positive attitude,
self care,
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Keep a Sense of Humor
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today's daily thought is compliments of my Aunt Rose who thankfully pointed out to me that I sounded so serious lately. And then when I went up to the store I saw a bumper sticker on a car that reminded me of one my son used to have on his old car and it just confirmed that a change in mindset was needed.
The bumper sticker said:
When you are upset with someone try walking a mile in their shoes -
because then -you are a mile away - and you have their shoes.
So keep a sense of humor today, lighten up, smile, laugh and enjoy!
I deserve a light heart and a happy soul today!
Have a sense of humor Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Today's daily thought is compliments of my Aunt Rose who thankfully pointed out to me that I sounded so serious lately. And then when I went up to the store I saw a bumper sticker on a car that reminded me of one my son used to have on his old car and it just confirmed that a change in mindset was needed.
The bumper sticker said:
When you are upset with someone try walking a mile in their shoes -
because then -you are a mile away - and you have their shoes.
So keep a sense of humor today, lighten up, smile, laugh and enjoy!
I deserve a light heart and a happy soul today!
Have a sense of humor Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
light heart,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Attitudes are Contagious
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Smiles and Positive attitudes are contagious. So are frowns and Negative attitudes.
Ask yourself is your attitude worth catching?
Today I start an epidemic of Positivity!
Have a wonderfully contagious Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day, in Every way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Smiles and Positive attitudes are contagious. So are frowns and Negative attitudes.
Ask yourself is your attitude worth catching?
Today I start an epidemic of Positivity!
Have a wonderfully contagious Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day, in Every way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
positive attitude
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
3 Kinds of Business
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
There are only 3 kinds of business you can be in - your business, someone else's business or the Universe's business. Many times we find ourselves caught up in someone else's business. Getting involved in what is going on, paying attention and focusing on our friends', family or co-workers business.
When this happens you do 2 things:
-you are ignoring your own business
-you are interfering with the Universal plans for someone else.
So today, be aware of whose business you are getting involved in. And Remember that when you get involved in someone else's business it's like you having your own store front and instead of taking care of your own business, your own customers, your own inventory, you leave your store and go into someone else's and get involved with their customers, the way they do business, paying attention to their inventory.
How do you know what is going on inside your own store? Who is taking care of your customers? Who is watching your inventory? AND how would not taking charge of your own business and staying put in someone else's store help YOUR prosperity, abundance and quality of life?
Doing this would not make good sound business sense or practice. If this routine kept up it would most likely cause your store to go OUT of business, your unhappy customers to go elsewhere, your inventory to become prey to opportunists AND you would get the reputation for being more concerned about running someone else's business than your own.
What kind of example would that be?
Today I keep my actions and my efforts focused on my own business!
Have a Great Self Business Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
There are only 3 kinds of business you can be in - your business, someone else's business or the Universe's business. Many times we find ourselves caught up in someone else's business. Getting involved in what is going on, paying attention and focusing on our friends', family or co-workers business.
When this happens you do 2 things:
-you are ignoring your own business
-you are interfering with the Universal plans for someone else.
So today, be aware of whose business you are getting involved in. And Remember that when you get involved in someone else's business it's like you having your own store front and instead of taking care of your own business, your own customers, your own inventory, you leave your store and go into someone else's and get involved with their customers, the way they do business, paying attention to their inventory.
How do you know what is going on inside your own store? Who is taking care of your customers? Who is watching your inventory? AND how would not taking charge of your own business and staying put in someone else's store help YOUR prosperity, abundance and quality of life?
Doing this would not make good sound business sense or practice. If this routine kept up it would most likely cause your store to go OUT of business, your unhappy customers to go elsewhere, your inventory to become prey to opportunists AND you would get the reputation for being more concerned about running someone else's business than your own.
What kind of example would that be?
Today I keep my actions and my efforts focused on my own business!
Have a Great Self Business Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Go 24 hrs. without complaining
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Can you go 24 hours without complaining about anything? Find out - Today challenge yourself to see if you can go a whole day without being negative or complaining about anyone or anything. Instead see if you can say something positive, productive, find a solution, pay a compliment, find a gratitude, point out something good that you noticed, something humorous; look for the good in everything and everyone today.
You will be amazed at the results. Encourage your coworkers, family, and friends to join you in this challenge. The only rule is when you catch yourself being negative or complaining - STOP! and re-frame it with something positive.
Have fun with this and don't use this exercise to beat yourself up - remember even in your own head the challenge is to stop complaining or being negative. Go for it!
I challenge myself to go 24 hours complaint free! I can do it!
Have a gentle discovery Friday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About you, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Can you go 24 hours without complaining about anything? Find out - Today challenge yourself to see if you can go a whole day without being negative or complaining about anyone or anything. Instead see if you can say something positive, productive, find a solution, pay a compliment, find a gratitude, point out something good that you noticed, something humorous; look for the good in everything and everyone today.
You will be amazed at the results. Encourage your coworkers, family, and friends to join you in this challenge. The only rule is when you catch yourself being negative or complaining - STOP! and re-frame it with something positive.
Have fun with this and don't use this exercise to beat yourself up - remember even in your own head the challenge is to stop complaining or being negative. Go for it!
I challenge myself to go 24 hours complaint free! I can do it!
Have a gentle discovery Friday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About you, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
positive attitude
Do a Random Act of Kindness Today
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Your mission should you decide to accept it is to do one Random Act of Kindness today to Scatter Joy!
Put a smile on your face to all you meet. Saying "Have a great day!" to strangers brings the most wonderful results. Say the Most powerful of all words, "Thank You" to as many people as possible today.
Take it one step further and do one Random Act of Kindness for someone.
I decided to give the City Road crew, that was working in the heat and humidity at the end of my street, each a cold bottle of water with a big "Thank You for working in this heat to improve our streets". It was amazing the wonderful surprised reactions I got.
You could help someone carry items to their car, take in a cart from the parking lot or put several into the cart corral. You can do a simple thing like hold the door open for someone as they enter or leave a building and say "Have a great day" ( and mean it)
Go ahead and give the gift of a smile, a Hello, a Random Act of Kindness or a simple Thank You to all you encounter today and discover that the person who receives the best gift is - You. As you warm the hearts of others your own heart warms, fills and overflows with a joy that will carry you through the day and perhaps even several days - if you let it.
Go for it - Scatter Joy today!
Have a Joyful Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible
Your mission should you decide to accept it is to do one Random Act of Kindness today to Scatter Joy!
Put a smile on your face to all you meet. Saying "Have a great day!" to strangers brings the most wonderful results. Say the Most powerful of all words, "Thank You" to as many people as possible today.
Take it one step further and do one Random Act of Kindness for someone.
I decided to give the City Road crew, that was working in the heat and humidity at the end of my street, each a cold bottle of water with a big "Thank You for working in this heat to improve our streets". It was amazing the wonderful surprised reactions I got.
You could help someone carry items to their car, take in a cart from the parking lot or put several into the cart corral. You can do a simple thing like hold the door open for someone as they enter or leave a building and say "Have a great day" ( and mean it)
Go ahead and give the gift of a smile, a Hello, a Random Act of Kindness or a simple Thank You to all you encounter today and discover that the person who receives the best gift is - You. As you warm the hearts of others your own heart warms, fills and overflows with a joy that will carry you through the day and perhaps even several days - if you let it.
Go for it - Scatter Joy today!
Have a Joyful Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible
random act,
thank you
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Relax into Reality
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
What you resist shall persist. So today relax into what is. Reality is reality and trying to force a change in your reality creates chaos and pain for you. Rather, change the way you are looking at your reality because when you change the way you look at your reality, then your whole perception of your reality changes. Your pain and discomfort is simply the difference between what reality actually is and what you want it to be.
Today my reality works better for me when I change the things that I can change, like my attitude towards my reality.
Have a new view Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
What you resist shall persist. So today relax into what is. Reality is reality and trying to force a change in your reality creates chaos and pain for you. Rather, change the way you are looking at your reality because when you change the way you look at your reality, then your whole perception of your reality changes. Your pain and discomfort is simply the difference between what reality actually is and what you want it to be.
Today my reality works better for me when I change the things that I can change, like my attitude towards my reality.
Have a new view Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
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