Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today is about Action! Taking charge of your day and your schedule to maximize success! Start with your mind. Think positive, powerful thoughts to get you started and keep you going.
Today I take charge of my mind and my schedule with Positive Power and I can handle anything!
Have a take charge Friday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
New Garden Rocks
Loving these new Garden Rocks I did! These are actual landscape rocks, @ 6-8 inches and @ 3-5lbs each. My hubby painted primer on them and then I painted a base color coat with outdoor paints .I used construction pencils to draw lightly the design and then I used again outdoor/patio paints and paint pens to color in the design and words.
My 9 yr old grandson Josh actually penciled the base cardinal and branch design on and then I fine tuned and added color, the word and added additional designs of flowers and leaves.
The Diva Power rock was with my 3 yr old granddaughter, Isabell in mind, she loves all things pink and she IS a DIVA!
These will be placed out in the yard along the river rock stream and by the pond. And since they are primered and done in outdoor paints they should withstand the seasons.
creative process,
Garden Rocks,
power words,
Rock art
How to have a Blessed to be You day!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today make the decision that just for this day, this 24 hours, that you are too blessed to be stressed, too happy to be sad, too hopeful to be depressed, too calm to be rattled, too cheerful to be aggravated by people, places or things, too successful to consider failure, too open to all possibilities to be stuck in a rut. Then when you experience what 24 hours of that feels like - you will decide to do it every day.
Today, it's good to be Me because my day is filled with blessings of happiness, hope, cheerfulness, success and serenity!
Have a Blessed to be You Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Today make the decision that just for this day, this 24 hours, that you are too blessed to be stressed, too happy to be sad, too hopeful to be depressed, too calm to be rattled, too cheerful to be aggravated by people, places or things, too successful to consider failure, too open to all possibilities to be stuck in a rut. Then when you experience what 24 hours of that feels like - you will decide to do it every day.
Today, it's good to be Me because my day is filled with blessings of happiness, hope, cheerfulness, success and serenity!
Have a Blessed to be You Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
24 hours,
daily thought,
stress free,
Monday, July 18, 2011
Are you a Yes I Can! or a Yeah But... person?
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Do you think you are a Yes I Can! or a "Yeah But..." person? Challenge yourself to find out. Take an empty jar, box or gift bag and on one side put "Yes I Can! and on the other side put "Yeah But...." Keep a small notepad next to it. Whenever you make an excuse or say Yeah but.... jot it on a note and place it in the container. Do the same for every Yes I Can! At the end of the day take a look and see. You could even throw a little twist into this by seeing if you hang around or interact with more Yes I Can! or Yeah But... people. Simply put the letter Y (for YES I can) on a slip and the letters YB (for Yeah But..), putting the initials of the people next to the letters is optional.
The main goal here is to bring into your awareness the difference between a Yes I Can! or Yeah and attitude.
Truth is whether you are, or hang around, a Yes I Can! or a Yeah But... person defines your belief in the Succees or Failure of You!
I pay attention to whether today is a Yes I Can! or a Yeah But... day.
Have a Yes I Can change Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Do you think you are a Yes I Can! or a "Yeah But..." person? Challenge yourself to find out. Take an empty jar, box or gift bag and on one side put "Yes I Can! and on the other side put "Yeah But...." Keep a small notepad next to it. Whenever you make an excuse or say Yeah but.... jot it on a note and place it in the container. Do the same for every Yes I Can! At the end of the day take a look and see. You could even throw a little twist into this by seeing if you hang around or interact with more Yes I Can! or Yeah But... people. Simply put the letter Y (for YES I can) on a slip and the letters YB (for Yeah But..), putting the initials of the people next to the letters is optional.
The main goal here is to bring into your awareness the difference between a Yes I Can! or Yeah and attitude.
Truth is whether you are, or hang around, a Yes I Can! or a Yeah But... person defines your belief in the Succees or Failure of You!
I pay attention to whether today is a Yes I Can! or a Yeah But... day.
Have a Yes I Can change Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
art project,
Yeah But...,
yes I can
Thursday, July 14, 2011
What's your Story line today?
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
What kind of day did you decide you were going to have today? If you woke up and thought "I'm tired, grumpy and I just want today to hurry up and get done," you might notice that the rest of your day follows suit. You might perceive that there are all kinds of things that just seem to annoy you. It may appear as though some people got up this morning and plotted and planned on how to get in Your way today. Drivers on the road, the teller at the bank, the cashier at the store, fellow co-workers and even complete strangers might seem to be actually oblivious to you and your needs, your mood and your comfort level! How is this possible!?
But wait a minute. What if it's not them? What if the reason they seem to be unaware of you is because they are too busy with themselves and what is going on in their life today? What if they are thinking some of the same things AND because of how you are reacting to them, they think that you plotted and planned to disturb their day!?
STOP! the story line and make your day easier for you and everyone in your sphere of influence. Simply make NEW decisions that will trigger a new story.
Perhaps other people are having a bad day because they are tired, grumpy and they just want today to be over with. Perhaps You could decide to smile and say "Have a great day today!" (yes even if you're not sure it will be) Perhaps you could laugh to yourself when that driver swerves around you in a big hurry to get ahead so he could be the first to slam on his brakes at the next light, thinking "Wow that could have been me today"
Perhaps you could stop and ask yourself as you go through your day today, "What else might be going on with this person or with this situation? And is it possible it may have nothing to do with me personally?"
Then perhaps you could show some compassion, patience and humor to those around you and DECIDE that You are going to turn this day into something great and invite others to join you and those that still want to be tired and grumpy - well- let them. They are entitled to their decisions too.
Now that you have decided to make the best of the rest of your day today watch how it unfolds dramatically different.
And tomorrow you may decide from the very start that it is indeed going to be a great day!
I have decided to enjoy the rest of my day and I will have compassion and patience for those who have decided differently.
Have a Great Thursday ending!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
What kind of day did you decide you were going to have today? If you woke up and thought "I'm tired, grumpy and I just want today to hurry up and get done," you might notice that the rest of your day follows suit. You might perceive that there are all kinds of things that just seem to annoy you. It may appear as though some people got up this morning and plotted and planned on how to get in Your way today. Drivers on the road, the teller at the bank, the cashier at the store, fellow co-workers and even complete strangers might seem to be actually oblivious to you and your needs, your mood and your comfort level! How is this possible!?
But wait a minute. What if it's not them? What if the reason they seem to be unaware of you is because they are too busy with themselves and what is going on in their life today? What if they are thinking some of the same things AND because of how you are reacting to them, they think that you plotted and planned to disturb their day!?
STOP! the story line and make your day easier for you and everyone in your sphere of influence. Simply make NEW decisions that will trigger a new story.
Perhaps other people are having a bad day because they are tired, grumpy and they just want today to be over with. Perhaps You could decide to smile and say "Have a great day today!" (yes even if you're not sure it will be) Perhaps you could laugh to yourself when that driver swerves around you in a big hurry to get ahead so he could be the first to slam on his brakes at the next light, thinking "Wow that could have been me today"
Perhaps you could stop and ask yourself as you go through your day today, "What else might be going on with this person or with this situation? And is it possible it may have nothing to do with me personally?"
Then perhaps you could show some compassion, patience and humor to those around you and DECIDE that You are going to turn this day into something great and invite others to join you and those that still want to be tired and grumpy - well- let them. They are entitled to their decisions too.
Now that you have decided to make the best of the rest of your day today watch how it unfolds dramatically different.
And tomorrow you may decide from the very start that it is indeed going to be a great day!
I have decided to enjoy the rest of my day and I will have compassion and patience for those who have decided differently.
Have a Great Thursday ending!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
new thinking,
rewrite your story,
Monday, July 11, 2011
Be your Best You
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
All you have to do today is to be the BEST YOU you can be. And in so doing you create a ripple effect that encourages everyone else to be their Best. And they in turn, create a Be Your Best ripple ... and on and on it goes expanding out further and further.
So Go For It! Start a Be Your Best ripple.
Today I choose to be the Best ME I can Be!
Have a Best You Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
All you have to do today is to be the BEST YOU you can be. And in so doing you create a ripple effect that encourages everyone else to be their Best. And they in turn, create a Be Your Best ripple ... and on and on it goes expanding out further and further.
So Go For It! Start a Be Your Best ripple.
Today I choose to be the Best ME I can Be!
Have a Best You Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
best you,
ripple effect
Thursday, July 7, 2011
A to Z ~ I AM the Power of ME!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today's Focus is on the Power of I AM. I AM indicates the firm conviction and confidence of NOW, right Now in this moment. So let's play the Alphabet game.
A to Z ~ I AM the Power of ME:
I AM an Adventurer
I AM my own Best Friend
I AM Committed to my Creative Goals
I AM Designing my new Life
I AM Enjoying the Journey
I AM Free to Be ME
I AM Grateful Daily
I AM Happy to be Helping others
I AM Intelligent
I AM Jazzed & Joyful about what I do
I AM Kinetic Energy
I AM Letting more Love in
I AM Motivated to Move Forward
I AM Now Reinventing ME
I AM Open to all Possibilities
I AM a Positive & Powerful Thinker
I AM Quickly learning Technology
I AM Removing my Road Blocks
I AM Seeking Success
I AM Thriving in all I do
I AM Understanding Life's Lessons
I AM a Visionary
I AM a Winner in life
I AM my own X factor
I AM a YES I can! believer
I AM Zealous about Truth
Today take a couple of Power breaks and say these I AM Power Statements and be aware of how you feel before, during and after you say them. Jot them all down on post it notes and put them where you will see them frequently; on your computer, your bathroom mirror, the fridge, your desk, in your car and in the break room. Then make the commitment that whenever you see the note you will pause and just say them silently or out loud to yourself.
Today I use I AM Power thoughts to see, feel and hear what the power of I AM can do for me!
Have an I AM Awesome Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Today's Focus is on the Power of I AM. I AM indicates the firm conviction and confidence of NOW, right Now in this moment. So let's play the Alphabet game.
A to Z ~ I AM the Power of ME:
I AM an Adventurer
I AM my own Best Friend
I AM Committed to my Creative Goals
I AM Designing my new Life
I AM Enjoying the Journey
I AM Free to Be ME
I AM Grateful Daily
I AM Happy to be Helping others
I AM Intelligent
I AM Jazzed & Joyful about what I do
I AM Kinetic Energy
I AM Letting more Love in
I AM Motivated to Move Forward
I AM Now Reinventing ME
I AM Open to all Possibilities
I AM a Positive & Powerful Thinker
I AM Quickly learning Technology
I AM Removing my Road Blocks
I AM Seeking Success
I AM Thriving in all I do
I AM Understanding Life's Lessons
I AM a Visionary
I AM a Winner in life
I AM my own X factor
I AM a YES I can! believer
I AM Zealous about Truth
Today take a couple of Power breaks and say these I AM Power Statements and be aware of how you feel before, during and after you say them. Jot them all down on post it notes and put them where you will see them frequently; on your computer, your bathroom mirror, the fridge, your desk, in your car and in the break room. Then make the commitment that whenever you see the note you will pause and just say them silently or out loud to yourself.
Today I use I AM Power thoughts to see, feel and hear what the power of I AM can do for me!
Have an I AM Awesome Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
A to Z,
alphabet game,
Power thoughts,
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Choose where your focus goes
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today your challenge, should you decide to accept it, is to practice redirecting your focus. As you go about your day today and interact with your fellow citizens shift your focus from the negative to the positive, from fear to courage, from inertia to action, to strengths not weaknesses, to accomplishments not mistakes and appreciations not criticisms.
Every time you are about to speak, act or interact you are choosing between one or the other focus. And as you choose you set yourself up for either a positively, fun and productive day or a negative, gloomy and wasted energy day.
Today I redirect my focus to see only the positive in myself and everyone else.
Have a Positively Enjoyable Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Today your challenge, should you decide to accept it, is to practice redirecting your focus. As you go about your day today and interact with your fellow citizens shift your focus from the negative to the positive, from fear to courage, from inertia to action, to strengths not weaknesses, to accomplishments not mistakes and appreciations not criticisms.
Every time you are about to speak, act or interact you are choosing between one or the other focus. And as you choose you set yourself up for either a positively, fun and productive day or a negative, gloomy and wasted energy day.
Today I redirect my focus to see only the positive in myself and everyone else.
Have a Positively Enjoyable Wednesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Think your best thoughts today
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Did you know that two thoughts cannot occupy the same space at the same time? It's True!
Did you know that what you are thinking triggers how you are feeling? It's True!
So the Truth is:
You can't think negative thoughts at the same time you're thinking positive thoughts.
You can't be depressed while thinking happy, positive thoughts.
You can't be discouraged while thinking positive hopeful thoughts.
You can't be fearful while thinking confident, Yes I Can! thoughts.
You can't be miserable while thinking gratitude thoughts.
You can't be stressed out while thinking positively calm and serene thoughts.
So Today, realize that if you want to feel better, happier, calmer all you have to do is choose to think better, happier, calmer thoughts!
Today I THINK my best thoughts so I FEEL my best!
Have a Thoughtful Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Did you know that two thoughts cannot occupy the same space at the same time? It's True!
Did you know that what you are thinking triggers how you are feeling? It's True!
So the Truth is:
You can't think negative thoughts at the same time you're thinking positive thoughts.
You can't be depressed while thinking happy, positive thoughts.
You can't be discouraged while thinking positive hopeful thoughts.
You can't be fearful while thinking confident, Yes I Can! thoughts.
You can't be miserable while thinking gratitude thoughts.
You can't be stressed out while thinking positively calm and serene thoughts.
So Today, realize that if you want to feel better, happier, calmer all you have to do is choose to think better, happier, calmer thoughts!
Today I THINK my best thoughts so I FEEL my best!
Have a Thoughtful Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
positive attitude,
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