Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Your actions demonstrate the truth of your words.
So become aware and pay attention to your own words and see if your actions match up with them. If not, ask yourself why. Did you say yes when you meant no? Were you people pleasing? Were you afraid of confrontation and said whatever it took to avoid it? Did you have good inentions but allow fear to stop you?
There's a good reason for the saying "Actions speak louder than words." People HEAR your words and SEE your actions. Do you follow through on your talk or do you tend to have lots of talk and little action? Discover what areas of your life may need to be aligned and matched up.
Sometimes just becoming aware that our words and our actions are not matched up motivate a self change. Don't beat yourself up with your discovery simply use it to make an adjustment that will enhance your personal integrity.
Today I practice self awareness so that I align my walk with my talk.
Have a Walking my Talk Tuesday
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Optimism or Pessimism you can Lead the way!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
I saw a wonderful commercial again today that is the perfect example for Optimism and I am so glad that it is geared towards young people because I have tweens and teen grandchildren that need to see more examples of what optimism and a positive attitude can do.
A 12 year old boy goes to a ball field to practice his batting. Before he tosses the ball in the air he says "I am the best hitter ever!" and he swings and misses and says "Strike one"
Before he tosses the ball in the air he says "I am the best hitter ever!" and he swings and misses and says "Strike two"
Before he tosses the ball in the air he says "I am the best hitter in the world!" and he swings and misses and says "Strike three"
He looks very disappointed and then suddenly he gets a huge smile on his face and says "WOW! I am the best Pitcher in the world!"
So today remember that your consistent Optimism or Pessimism is setting an example for the next generation to follow.
Today I set the example for "I am the most Positive Person ever!"
Have an Optimistic Monday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
I saw a wonderful commercial again today that is the perfect example for Optimism and I am so glad that it is geared towards young people because I have tweens and teen grandchildren that need to see more examples of what optimism and a positive attitude can do.
A 12 year old boy goes to a ball field to practice his batting. Before he tosses the ball in the air he says "I am the best hitter ever!" and he swings and misses and says "Strike one"
Before he tosses the ball in the air he says "I am the best hitter ever!" and he swings and misses and says "Strike two"
Before he tosses the ball in the air he says "I am the best hitter in the world!" and he swings and misses and says "Strike three"
He looks very disappointed and then suddenly he gets a huge smile on his face and says "WOW! I am the best Pitcher in the world!"
So today remember that your consistent Optimism or Pessimism is setting an example for the next generation to follow.
Today I set the example for "I am the most Positive Person ever!"
Have an Optimistic Monday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
new thinking,
positive attitude
Friday, August 26, 2011
Let's 'Git er' Done today!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today discern the difference between activity and accomplishment. A daily schedule can be filled with lots of activity, swirls of motion going in many directions. The question to ask is how much is really being accomplished?
Progress and success are not determined by how busy we appear to be but by the number of tasks we get done.
Today I show the difference between Let's get moving and Let's Get It Done!
Have a 'Git' er Done Friday!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Today discern the difference between activity and accomplishment. A daily schedule can be filled with lots of activity, swirls of motion going in many directions. The question to ask is how much is really being accomplished?
Progress and success are not determined by how busy we appear to be but by the number of tasks we get done.
Today I show the difference between Let's get moving and Let's Get It Done!
Have a 'Git' er Done Friday!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
daily thought,
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Self Worth is an Inside Job
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Many times we look outside of ourselves for our self worth. We feel our value comes from our jobs, what we do for a living, from our partners, family or friends, on how many things we do for them, how happy they seem to be with us after we do those things. Sometimes our self worth comes from being a rescuer, caretaker, provider, people pleaser, from how many things we have or can get, the home we live in, the kind of car we drive, how hard and how many hours we work. We attach self value to how much money we make, how many diplomas or degrees we have, or even how much crisis we can handle.
There are 2 flaws in this "outer worth." One is that whatever we did to get that feeling of self value, or of feeling good about ourselves we will have to continue doing to maintain and keep it. And that is when you have handed over your power, your value to someone or something else.
The second flaw is Self Esteem, Self Worth, Self Value, Self Respect all have one word in common: SELF.
So today decide to take your power back and be in charge of yourSELF.
I practice making my Self Worth an inside job.
Have a turn your SELF inside out Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
Many times we look outside of ourselves for our self worth. We feel our value comes from our jobs, what we do for a living, from our partners, family or friends, on how many things we do for them, how happy they seem to be with us after we do those things. Sometimes our self worth comes from being a rescuer, caretaker, provider, people pleaser, from how many things we have or can get, the home we live in, the kind of car we drive, how hard and how many hours we work. We attach self value to how much money we make, how many diplomas or degrees we have, or even how much crisis we can handle.
There are 2 flaws in this "outer worth." One is that whatever we did to get that feeling of self value, or of feeling good about ourselves we will have to continue doing to maintain and keep it. And that is when you have handed over your power, your value to someone or something else.
The second flaw is Self Esteem, Self Worth, Self Value, Self Respect all have one word in common: SELF.
So today decide to take your power back and be in charge of yourSELF.
I practice making my Self Worth an inside job.
Have a turn your SELF inside out Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
inside out,
people please,
personal power,
self esteem,
self value,
Self worth,
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Small Choices can have BIG consequences
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Most times we ponder about the consequences from the big choices that we make; to get married, have children, seek a new job, ask for a raise, moving to a new location, buying a car or a house,...
But what about the simple day to day choices that we make? Choices like did I choose to go to bed at a reasonable time so I got a good night sleep? Did I choose to be in a good mood or did I let something I heard on the radio or what someone said at work ruin my mood and perhaps even my day? You see a simple choice like what time I go to bed can have far reaching consequences for me and others the next day. If I am not well rested I may be impatient, grumpy, not as clear headed as I would like to be. I might be sluggish, slow to respond, I may forget or overlook something that needs to be done or addressed.
If you take the time to ponder about the consequences of your seemingly small and 'unimportant' choices how different would the day be? What choices would you make differently?
Take the time to find out. See how many of your small choices have really Big consequences.
Today I take the time to explore the consequences of all my choices.
Have a Thoughtful Wednesday
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Most times we ponder about the consequences from the big choices that we make; to get married, have children, seek a new job, ask for a raise, moving to a new location, buying a car or a house,...
But what about the simple day to day choices that we make? Choices like did I choose to go to bed at a reasonable time so I got a good night sleep? Did I choose to be in a good mood or did I let something I heard on the radio or what someone said at work ruin my mood and perhaps even my day? You see a simple choice like what time I go to bed can have far reaching consequences for me and others the next day. If I am not well rested I may be impatient, grumpy, not as clear headed as I would like to be. I might be sluggish, slow to respond, I may forget or overlook something that needs to be done or addressed.
If you take the time to ponder about the consequences of your seemingly small and 'unimportant' choices how different would the day be? What choices would you make differently?
Take the time to find out. See how many of your small choices have really Big consequences.
Today I take the time to explore the consequences of all my choices.
Have a Thoughtful Wednesday
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
present moment
Friday, August 19, 2011
Today is a brand new day!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Yesterday is over. Today is a brand new day. If you started your day today thinking about what happened yesterday and trying to rehash it, analyze it, figure it out, recriminations about all the what ifs, should haves and whys - STOP!
Yesterday is OVER. Today is a brand NEW day. Focus today on what you can do, all the possibilities that exist in this day. Focus on how you will make today a better day, a more successful day, a prosperous day.
You can't have a better yesterday however you CAN have a better tomorrow by using Today wisely.
Today I invest my time and energy in the here and now as a building block for tomorrow's successes.
Have a great today! (and an even better weekend!)
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Yesterday is over. Today is a brand new day. If you started your day today thinking about what happened yesterday and trying to rehash it, analyze it, figure it out, recriminations about all the what ifs, should haves and whys - STOP!
Yesterday is OVER. Today is a brand NEW day. Focus today on what you can do, all the possibilities that exist in this day. Focus on how you will make today a better day, a more successful day, a prosperous day.
You can't have a better yesterday however you CAN have a better tomorrow by using Today wisely.
Today I invest my time and energy in the here and now as a building block for tomorrow's successes.
Have a great today! (and an even better weekend!)
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
here and now,
new day,
new thinking,
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Make today a brand new day!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Did you wake up this morning thinking that today is going to be more of the same old, same old? Going through the same motions, saying the same things, performing today's tasks on automatic pilot?
Well Good Morning! Today is a Brand New Day! Today when you say hello or Good Morning to someone, really hear yourself say it. Say it genuinely, you know, like you mean it. When you smile is it triggered because you're glad to see someone, because your intention is to brighten someone else's day or is it a triggered reflex to paste a smile on your face like you're sitting in a car waving to the crowds at a parade? Do you look at your habitual tasks for the day with a feeling of resignation? An "ok let's get this done so I can start on the next one, and the next one, and the next one....Ahhhhhh"
Just for today, approach everything and everyone like it's the first time. Smile because you are acknowledging someone you enjoy seeing or that you want to bring a smile to their day. Say Hello, or Good Morning or Good Afternoon and really mean it! Say it in such a way that other people look surprised and respond "Thank you!"
While you're at it say "Thank You" to as many people as possible today. Say "thank you" for little things, people that normally you would just take for granted, or things that you haven't appreciated before now.
Try to find one new thing that you haven't noticed before about your work area, your co-workers, where you have lunch, what you choose to eat, even your regular route home.
Treat this day like an adventure and see how your attitude, your feelings, and your results change the same old same old to the new and interesting!
Today I make my day new and interesting!
Have an Adventure Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful, About You, Every day in Every Way!
Did you wake up this morning thinking that today is going to be more of the same old, same old? Going through the same motions, saying the same things, performing today's tasks on automatic pilot?
Well Good Morning! Today is a Brand New Day! Today when you say hello or Good Morning to someone, really hear yourself say it. Say it genuinely, you know, like you mean it. When you smile is it triggered because you're glad to see someone, because your intention is to brighten someone else's day or is it a triggered reflex to paste a smile on your face like you're sitting in a car waving to the crowds at a parade? Do you look at your habitual tasks for the day with a feeling of resignation? An "ok let's get this done so I can start on the next one, and the next one, and the next one....Ahhhhhh"
Just for today, approach everything and everyone like it's the first time. Smile because you are acknowledging someone you enjoy seeing or that you want to bring a smile to their day. Say Hello, or Good Morning or Good Afternoon and really mean it! Say it in such a way that other people look surprised and respond "Thank you!"
While you're at it say "Thank You" to as many people as possible today. Say "thank you" for little things, people that normally you would just take for granted, or things that you haven't appreciated before now.
Try to find one new thing that you haven't noticed before about your work area, your co-workers, where you have lunch, what you choose to eat, even your regular route home.
Treat this day like an adventure and see how your attitude, your feelings, and your results change the same old same old to the new and interesting!
Today I make my day new and interesting!
Have an Adventure Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful, About You, Every day in Every Way!
Friday, August 12, 2011
New Flower Power Trinket Boxes
Finished some more flower power trinket boxes last night. I really love the striped ones! It was something that happened to cover up an accident. I painted the wrong color and thought how can I cover it up and still have it look ok? And then I tried the stripes on the pink and black box and I liked it so much that I repeated the stripe idea on the green box.
Today I will put a sealant coat on the tops to preserve the paint.
These are going to look awesome at my Studio Garden Party on sunday!
Today I will put a sealant coat on the tops to preserve the paint.
These are going to look awesome at my Studio Garden Party on sunday!
art project,
Flower Power trinket boxes,
new project,
Be Me Powered today!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Today is a great day to be ME Powered! You have personal power to tap into. And today is a great day to harness that power and push yourself forward to accomplish more of your goals.
So look yourself in the mirror and affirm: Today I use ME Power to get things done!
Have a 'Power'ful Friday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Today is a great day to be ME Powered! You have personal power to tap into. And today is a great day to harness that power and push yourself forward to accomplish more of your goals.
So look yourself in the mirror and affirm: Today I use ME Power to get things done!
Have a 'Power'ful Friday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
personal power,
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
New Garden Rocks
I just finished these this week. I painted 3 new Garden Rocks and 2 what I am calling Flower Power Trinket boxes. I love how these are turning out. I used outdoor/patio paints for the rocks. First I put a base coat of white outdoor paint on them and then used colored patio paints to design them. this way they will hold up through the winter. I also finished 2 wood trinket boxes. I primered those in white acrylic paint and then put the main acrylic color on and then put my signature flower power design on the top of the box. The boxes have hinges so that the top opens like a lid and you can put whatever treasures you want inside.
I am going to be displaying these at my Studio Garden Party that I am having on Sunday. It is going to be wonderful and I will post pictures later.
I am going to be displaying these at my Studio Garden Party that I am having on Sunday. It is going to be wonderful and I will post pictures later.
Flower Power trinket boxes,
Garden Rocks,
You can prove you are a Success!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Did you know that you are already a success? It's true!
Many times we forget that we already have a success history in different areas of our life. Things like a college degree, living on your own in your first apartment, having a successful interview and getting a job, a promotion, raise, running a household, traveling or moving out of state, owning your first car or house, chairing a committee, volunteering in your community, overcoming a health challenge. There are so many things in life that we have already successfully done or accomplished and it is these things that we need to write down and keep as a success reference. Go ahead and take five minutes and write down 5 successes you have already achieved in your life. (It can be in career, education, family, finances, health, community ...) Keep adding to it as you remember more and accomplish more.
Now when you are facing a task that you have doubts of your success in, just pull out your list and tell your inner critic or your Outer Critic "STOP! I know I can do This and I can prove it!" and read your list.
I am already a Success and I Can Prove it To Myself!
Have a Successful You Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful about You, Every Day in Every Way!
Did you know that you are already a success? It's true!
Many times we forget that we already have a success history in different areas of our life. Things like a college degree, living on your own in your first apartment, having a successful interview and getting a job, a promotion, raise, running a household, traveling or moving out of state, owning your first car or house, chairing a committee, volunteering in your community, overcoming a health challenge. There are so many things in life that we have already successfully done or accomplished and it is these things that we need to write down and keep as a success reference. Go ahead and take five minutes and write down 5 successes you have already achieved in your life. (It can be in career, education, family, finances, health, community ...) Keep adding to it as you remember more and accomplish more.
Now when you are facing a task that you have doubts of your success in, just pull out your list and tell your inner critic or your Outer Critic "STOP! I know I can do This and I can prove it!" and read your list.
I am already a Success and I Can Prove it To Myself!
Have a Successful You Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating YOU with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful about You, Every Day in Every Way!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
New Book Beads
Just Finished a batch of my new Book Beads! I am really loving the way they turned out! My hubby made me a peg board tripod and I can fit the whole batch on it. The peg board has a handle and folds up easy so I can take it to the vendor shows I do. I am still debating about painting the board a lime green or not.
I think I will test a small scrap piece of peg board first. I feel that the green background color would allow the book beads to show up better. Well we shall see what we shall see! I am happy to have a new batch ready to go for my Studio Garden Party next weekend.
art project,
book beads,
peg board,
Garden Rock Art
Well I finished the Turtle garden rock! And the words Steady Progress are so appropo for me. Each day I just keep plugging away a little at a time and the great results are showing up. Now the next step is to place them out in my yard which I will do tomorrow and I will take pics to show you.
The next phase is to paint a smaller Garden Rock that I will be giving away at my Studio Garden Party. Some lucky person will be placing a whimsical garden rock in their yard or on their porch!
Like the turtle, steady progress wins the race!
The next phase is to paint a smaller Garden Rock that I will be giving away at my Studio Garden Party. Some lucky person will be placing a whimsical garden rock in their yard or on their porch!
Like the turtle, steady progress wins the race!
Cardinal Energy,
Diva Power,
Garden Rocks,
Rock art,
Turtle progress
Walk your Talk
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Your actions demonstrate the truth of your words.
So become aware and pay attention to your own words and see if your actions match up with them. If not, ask yourself why. Did you say yes when you meant no? Were you people pleasing? Were you afraid of confrontation and said whatever it took to avoid it? Did you have good inentions but allow fear to stop you?
There's a good reason for the saying "Actions speak louder than words." People hear your words and see your actions. Do you follow through on your talk or are you someone who is a lot of talk and little action? Discover what areas of your life may need to be aligned and matched up.
Sometimes just becoming aware that our words and our actions are not matched up motivate a self change. Don't beat yourself up with your discovery simply use it to make an adjustment that will enhance your personal integrity.
Today I practice self awareness so that I align my walk with my talk.
Have a Walking my Talk Thursday
Mary Ellen
Motivating You with Positive Power
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
Your actions demonstrate the truth of your words.
So become aware and pay attention to your own words and see if your actions match up with them. If not, ask yourself why. Did you say yes when you meant no? Were you people pleasing? Were you afraid of confrontation and said whatever it took to avoid it? Did you have good inentions but allow fear to stop you?
There's a good reason for the saying "Actions speak louder than words." People hear your words and see your actions. Do you follow through on your talk or are you someone who is a lot of talk and little action? Discover what areas of your life may need to be aligned and matched up.
Sometimes just becoming aware that our words and our actions are not matched up motivate a self change. Don't beat yourself up with your discovery simply use it to make an adjustment that will enhance your personal integrity.
Today I practice self awareness so that I align my walk with my talk.
Have a Walking my Talk Thursday
Mary Ellen
Motivating You with Positive Power
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every day in Every Way!
people please,
walk your talk
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Refocus Energy on the Solution
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
For every problem there is a solution. However it helps if there is more focus on finding the solution than on complaining about the problem itself.
So today observe whether your thoughts settle more on the problem or on searching for a solution. Retrain your brain to become solution focused. Before you tell anyone about a problem, come up with at least 2 possible solutions. If anyone wants to bring you a problem ask them to bring two possible solutions with them.
There is a difference between passing the problem on OR offering up some solutions that can trigger a brainstorming solution session.
And here is a hint: If every possible solution keeps getting shot down or discarded right away then chances are that the problem isn't the only problem.
When I refocus on finding a solution it makes it easier to see one or hear one when it shows up.
Have a Limitless Solutions Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating You with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
For every problem there is a solution. However it helps if there is more focus on finding the solution than on complaining about the problem itself.
So today observe whether your thoughts settle more on the problem or on searching for a solution. Retrain your brain to become solution focused. Before you tell anyone about a problem, come up with at least 2 possible solutions. If anyone wants to bring you a problem ask them to bring two possible solutions with them.
There is a difference between passing the problem on OR offering up some solutions that can trigger a brainstorming solution session.
And here is a hint: If every possible solution keeps getting shot down or discarded right away then chances are that the problem isn't the only problem.
When I refocus on finding a solution it makes it easier to see one or hear one when it shows up.
Have a Limitless Solutions Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating You with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
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