Welcome to my blog! My name is Mary Ellen Pierce and I want to invite you to Get Jazzed & Joyful about who you are, every day in every way! I believe that no matter what you do in life, it is important to believe in yourself and your goals and to realize it's okay to enjoy the journey and have fun along the way!
Along my journey I have discovered my inner artist to help me create expressions of myself using collage, altered art, mixed media and scrapbook techniques. I have enlisted the aid of my inner cheerleader to keep me motivated to be the Best ME that I can be!
And I want to inspire others to realize that when you get Jazzed and Joyful about being You, then what you do will turn into success, prosperity and happiness!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Refocus Energy on the Solution

Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:

For every problem there is a solution. However it helps if there is more focus on finding the solution than on complaining about the problem itself.

So today observe whether your thoughts settle more on the problem or on searching for a solution. Retrain your brain to become solution focused. Before you tell anyone about a problem, come up with at least 2 possible solutions. If anyone wants to bring you a problem ask them to bring two possible solutions with them.
There is a difference between passing the problem on OR offering up some solutions that can trigger a brainstorming solution session.
And here is a hint: If every possible solution keeps getting shot down or discarded right away then chances are that the problem isn't the only problem.

     When I refocus on finding a solution it makes it easier to see one or hear one when it shows up.

Have a Limitless Solutions Tuesday!
Mary Ellen
Motivating You with Positive Power!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!

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