Welcome to my blog! My name is Mary Ellen Pierce and I want to invite you to Get Jazzed & Joyful about who you are, every day in every way! I believe that no matter what you do in life, it is important to believe in yourself and your goals and to realize it's okay to enjoy the journey and have fun along the way!
Along my journey I have discovered my inner artist to help me create expressions of myself using collage, altered art, mixed media and scrapbook techniques. I have enlisted the aid of my inner cheerleader to keep me motivated to be the Best ME that I can be!
And I want to inspire others to realize that when you get Jazzed and Joyful about being You, then what you do will turn into success, prosperity and happiness!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The Power of Kindness

Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:

Yesterday my 8 year old grandson, Josh and I went to the store and when we pulled up to the parking spot, someone had left a cart right in the middle of the spot. Josh said "I'll go move it, grandma." And he got out and moved it out of the way and when I got out he said "Grandma there is an empty plastic water bottle in the cart, can we take it into the store and see if they will recycle it?" I told him I wasn't sure if they had a recycle container for customers but that was an excellent idea and to put it in our car and when we got home he could put it in our recycle bin.

Then we went into the store and two women were talking to each other about a customer at the register that looked very ill. We turned to look and indeed there was a mother and her adult daughter at the register and the daughter looked as though she was going to pass out.
I asked the woman if she wanted me to watch her daughter so she could go get the car and pull up out front and she said "Oh yes could you, thank you very much" The other two ladies came up to help and my grandson noticed a store wheelchair off to the side and pointed it out to us. One of the women went to get it and we all helped her into the wheelchair and kept her company until her mother pulled up out front and the two women helped her out to the car.
My grandson said "Grandma I hope she is okay and I am glad those other ladies helped us" I told him how nice it is when people care enough about each other to offer help.

Then when we left the store and put our items in the car Josh said he wanted to take the cart back into the store to put it away and I said OK and waited outside the store entrance. On the way out a woman was exiting and I saw Josh run up and hold the door open for her and as she exited she stopped and said to me in front of Josh, "I just want to tell you that he held the door open for me and it was so refreshing to see such a young man being such a gentlemen."
The lesson of the day was not lost on me: Random Acts of Kindness are a win win feel good inspiration for everyone.
My grandson, Josh just did random acts of kindness with no expectations of reward or acknowledgment. He just did it because he wanted to. And as a result he inspired others to do the same, he triggered a smile of appreciation, a thank you, a surprised look of delight and an immense feeling of pride and love from me for this little 8 year old boy who demonstrated to complete strangers the power of Kindness. And the gratitude he got will motivate and inspire Josh to continue to do more acts of kindness.
When we got in the car I turned to him and said " Josh I Love you and You Rock!!!"

So your mission today should you accept it is to do Random Acts of Kindness just because it feels good to do it. And watch the ripples of happiness and joy spread.

   Today I will demonstrate the Power of Random Acts of Kindness.

Have a be Kind to Everyone Weekend!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!

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