Welcome to my blog! My name is Mary Ellen Pierce and I want to invite you to Get Jazzed & Joyful about who you are, every day in every way! I believe that no matter what you do in life, it is important to believe in yourself and your goals and to realize it's okay to enjoy the journey and have fun along the way!
Along my journey I have discovered my inner artist to help me create expressions of myself using collage, altered art, mixed media and scrapbook techniques. I have enlisted the aid of my inner cheerleader to keep me motivated to be the Best ME that I can be!
And I want to inspire others to realize that when you get Jazzed and Joyful about being You, then what you do will turn into success, prosperity and happiness!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!

Friday, January 8, 2010

The Power of your Funny Bone

I was experimenting with swirls and polka dots and praticing drawing a self image again and decided what better thing to focus on than laughter. If it didn't work out well then I could just find the humor in it and try again! This reminded me of how powerful a health tool laughing is. When I am too serious about things that is when I notice that I get more negative and critical of myself and my world. What a great reminder to lighten up on the inside so I can 'lighten' my load on the outside. Life just isn't as serious or stressful when you're focusing on the funny side of things - searching for the humor. And isn't it interesting how when you are looking for the humorous things in life, that life and the people. places and things in your life provide all the laughter, fun and lightness you need? A great example of this is when my husband and I were in the movie theater and I leaned over and asked him if I could have some of his pop (I always have water) and he said sure and proceeded to hand over the cup when ... the top popped off and all the pop (large size of course!) went all over my lap, my coat, my arms, my husbands arm and legs and onto the floor! This was the moment when things could take a turn for the worse - or the better- depending on how I looked at it. So I said to him "Note to Self, next time I'll ask for a sip instead of some because apparently I just got exactly what I asked for!" And we both started laughing and cleaned up and finished watching the movie. Finding the humor in the situation allowed both of us to feel good, lighten up and to salvage a funny memory instead of a source of negativity.
So here's to the Power of the 'Funny Bone' - I intend to exercise this one regularly!

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