Welcome to my blog! My name is Mary Ellen Pierce and I want to invite you to Get Jazzed & Joyful about who you are, every day in every way! I believe that no matter what you do in life, it is important to believe in yourself and your goals and to realize it's okay to enjoy the journey and have fun along the way!
Along my journey I have discovered my inner artist to help me create expressions of myself using collage, altered art, mixed media and scrapbook techniques. I have enlisted the aid of my inner cheerleader to keep me motivated to be the Best ME that I can be!
And I want to inspire others to realize that when you get Jazzed and Joyful about being You, then what you do will turn into success, prosperity and happiness!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Make a point to laugh

Get Jazzed & Joyful Today:

Today is about the gift of laughter. With the holidays approaching we can sometimes focus on all the things we have to add on to our schedule, all the things we now have to do to get ready. We can become very somber and serious.
Laughter is good for the soul, good for the heart, good for those around you. It is an excellent stress buster for the holiday season, for day to day life and to allow more joy into our hearts and minds.

So today's humor is brought to you by Loretta LaRoche:

We live in a world of excess, in which how much we own defines who we are. I'd rather BE "too much" than buy too much. It's so much easier. I'll never have to have a yard sale to get rid of myself.

Indulge in pleasure whenver you can. Eat dessert first, take a nap in the middle of the day or watch a squirrel fall off a feeder.

For years I heard my mother's stern voice in my head whenever I cleaned the house; "Make sure you clean the underside of the toilet bowl!" I finally realized that no one that short was ever coming to visit and I didn't give a damn. What voices do you carry in your head?

An average 5 year old laughs more than 400 times a day. An adult? FOURTEEN. Do you think that is why so many adults need laxatives?

No one respects a martyr unless they are giving their life to save another. Believing that people are going to canonize you because you cleaned the house or spent extra hours at work is not the pathway to sainthood. I have yet to see a statue called "Saint of Perpetual Responsibility"

Why do normal people take workshops on how to deal with difficult people? Why aren't the difficult people taking workshops on how to deal with the rest of us?

If you think the worst and get the worst, you suffer twice. If you think the best and get the worst, you only suffer once.

Accept the things you cannot change, Change the things that you can - And Laugh at all the rest.

Have a Light and Humorous Monday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Aything is Possible!

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