Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Happy Friday!
Today is the start of the weekend so today's focus is on the balance of work and play. All work and no play.....or all play and no work....create an imbalance in our schedules and our lives - and within ourselves.
So if you tend to be an all work person, take time this weekend to relax and have some fun. Make a note of a couple of things you want to do and post it somewhere to remind yourself to follow through.
If you tend to procrastinate and put off work projects at work or at home, then this weekend might be a great opportunity to tackle some of those and still have some fun. Make a note of a couple of projects to tackle and block them into a certain time period and then block in some time for fun also.
A timer is a valuable tool for helping to balance out work and play. Whatever end of the balance scale you are on - just set the timer for a specific period of time. For example:
If you are work minded - then set the timer (or your watch or your cell phone or your computer) for an hour and take time to do something fun; read, watch a favorite program, visit with a friend, go to the bookstore or coffee shop and when the timer goes off then go back to your work project.
Likewise, set the timer and spend that specific amount of time doing some work project; tax preparation, paperwork that you brought home from the office, correspondence, clearing out a closet and then when the timer goes off then do something fun.
You can set the timer for any time amounts from 15 minutes to a couple of hours. And you can do it as many times as you want throughout the day and/or weekend to help keep you focused on balance. The timer simply reminds us that we can stop and move onto something else. It allows us to accomplish things or take time for fun without the all or nothing habit kicking in.
Try it and see!
This weekend I will balance work and play.
Have a timely balanced weeked!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought today:
Have you ever thought to yourself or said to someone "IF only I .... then I would be happy."
You know, If only I had more money, if only I lost some weight, if only I had more time, if only I had a better job, if only, if only, if only.... THEN I would be happier, more content, fulfilled, be able to do what I really want.
Or how how about, I will be happy when .... I get this."
Or I will feel better about ... when this happens.
Did you ever think about what you are really saying?
I will be happy when ... translates into "I cannot be happy until ...."
I will feel better about ... translates into "I don't feel good about .... and won't until this happens."
If only I .... then I will be happy, translates into I cannot be happy until this happens, or I get this.
What you are doing is putting yourself and your happiness on hold UNTIL ...
What you are doing is programming your mind and your feelings into believing that you CANNOT Feel good or be Happy right now, in the Current circumstances UNTIL .....
Well guess what? The Universe will give you more of what you are really asking for, more of what you are really putting out there to come back to you.
Next time STOP! and ask yourself "What am I really saying?"
Don't postpone your joy and happiness UNTIL ....
Choose to be happy, and feel good about yourself right now in this moment so you can draw more of that back to you.
I feel good and I am already on my way to happiness!
Have a Happiness is on it's way to you Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Have you ever thought to yourself or said to someone "IF only I .... then I would be happy."
You know, If only I had more money, if only I lost some weight, if only I had more time, if only I had a better job, if only, if only, if only.... THEN I would be happier, more content, fulfilled, be able to do what I really want.
Or how how about, I will be happy when .... I get this."
Or I will feel better about ... when this happens.
Did you ever think about what you are really saying?
I will be happy when ... translates into "I cannot be happy until ...."
I will feel better about ... translates into "I don't feel good about .... and won't until this happens."
If only I .... then I will be happy, translates into I cannot be happy until this happens, or I get this.
What you are doing is putting yourself and your happiness on hold UNTIL ...
What you are doing is programming your mind and your feelings into believing that you CANNOT Feel good or be Happy right now, in the Current circumstances UNTIL .....
Well guess what? The Universe will give you more of what you are really asking for, more of what you are really putting out there to come back to you.
Next time STOP! and ask yourself "What am I really saying?"
Don't postpone your joy and happiness UNTIL ....
Choose to be happy, and feel good about yourself right now in this moment so you can draw more of that back to you.
I feel good and I am already on my way to happiness!
Have a Happiness is on it's way to you Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought today:
Many times when our day or life becomes hectic we speed up our pace trying to keep up with everything and everyone. When we do this we don't even realize that our breathing changes. We breathe shallower, faster and sporadically. The physical effect this has on our bodies and our brains is that we take in less oxygen and keep more carbon dioxide.
This results in feeling sluggish, tense, irritable and out of balance.
So today, don't forget to Breathe! Take a moment of your day and stop and breathe in .... fully and completely and then breathe out .... fully and completely.
Then take a moment to review your pace for the day. If you are feeling hectic, stressed, feeling like time is running out or that you need to clone yourself 3 or 4 times to get everything done, perhaps this is the time to slooooow down! Revise your schedule, delegate some things out, prioritize, bump some things to the next day, or week, and then put a time slot in there just for you.
Prioritize yourself into your day today. Breathe yourself into a calm space and breath in more oxygen to your system and re-balance your body and your brain. NOW - you're ready for anything!
Today I remember to Breathe myself into balance.
Have a full tank of oxygen Wednesday!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Many times when our day or life becomes hectic we speed up our pace trying to keep up with everything and everyone. When we do this we don't even realize that our breathing changes. We breathe shallower, faster and sporadically. The physical effect this has on our bodies and our brains is that we take in less oxygen and keep more carbon dioxide.
This results in feeling sluggish, tense, irritable and out of balance.
So today, don't forget to Breathe! Take a moment of your day and stop and breathe in .... fully and completely and then breathe out .... fully and completely.
Then take a moment to review your pace for the day. If you are feeling hectic, stressed, feeling like time is running out or that you need to clone yourself 3 or 4 times to get everything done, perhaps this is the time to slooooow down! Revise your schedule, delegate some things out, prioritize, bump some things to the next day, or week, and then put a time slot in there just for you.
Prioritize yourself into your day today. Breathe yourself into a calm space and breath in more oxygen to your system and re-balance your body and your brain. NOW - you're ready for anything!
Today I remember to Breathe myself into balance.
Have a full tank of oxygen Wednesday!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
And Love Set Me Free
I painted this over the course of two days. I used acrylic paints, paint pens, Pitt black art pens and Tul ultra fine pens and a black Calligrahy Pen. I wasn't sure what I was going to paint and this just evolved as I went along. I am using my intuition and just letting it guide me. I love the result!
Now if I can just remember how to take the date off my camera! Oh well I guess that's why the camera comes with a small mini novel of a manual.
Now if I can just remember how to take the date off my camera! Oh well I guess that's why the camera comes with a small mini novel of a manual.
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought Today:
Today let go of expectations. Expectations lock you into a finite vision of someone or something. Expectations reflect needs. What you are really saying is "I need you to be this or do this for my comfort level." or "I need this situation to turn out this way so that I can feel better, safer or happier."
Expectations represent fears: "If this doesn't work out the way I want it to I am afraid I won't be able to handle it."
Expectations are demands. Expectations close the mind to any other possibilities. Expectations close our hearts out of fear. Expectations cause stress and disharmony within and without.
Turn expectations into invitations. Invite yourself to consider all possibilities, all solutions. Invite someone to participate in a win win solution. Invite others to brainstorm with you. Invite the Divine into the solution.
An invitation is a request, an offering of connection, an extension of openness, a belief in hope and faith for a positive outcome. Invitations signal you are open to receive. Invitations keep our mind and our heart open in love.
So today invite love in, invite all possibilities in, invite the greater good for all concerned in. Then be patient and wait for the Divine to RSVP.
Today I make requests and extend invitations for positive outcomes.
Have an inviting Tuesday!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is possible!
Today let go of expectations. Expectations lock you into a finite vision of someone or something. Expectations reflect needs. What you are really saying is "I need you to be this or do this for my comfort level." or "I need this situation to turn out this way so that I can feel better, safer or happier."
Expectations represent fears: "If this doesn't work out the way I want it to I am afraid I won't be able to handle it."
Expectations are demands. Expectations close the mind to any other possibilities. Expectations close our hearts out of fear. Expectations cause stress and disharmony within and without.
Turn expectations into invitations. Invite yourself to consider all possibilities, all solutions. Invite someone to participate in a win win solution. Invite others to brainstorm with you. Invite the Divine into the solution.
An invitation is a request, an offering of connection, an extension of openness, a belief in hope and faith for a positive outcome. Invitations signal you are open to receive. Invitations keep our mind and our heart open in love.
So today invite love in, invite all possibilities in, invite the greater good for all concerned in. Then be patient and wait for the Divine to RSVP.
Today I make requests and extend invitations for positive outcomes.
Have an inviting Tuesday!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is possible!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Create a Be Your Best Ripple
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought Today:
Did you know that in the Universal Design of All that is - there are no EXTRA human beings brought into this existence for the express purpose of just taking up air space?
Did you know that every human being was created with magnificence in mind?
Did you know that the seeds of Greatness were planted within you from the very beginning?
Did you know that regardless of your past that you can make a fresh start Today? Right now in this moment?
Did you know that when you choose to be the Best You that you can be - that alone is a Powerful Purpose?
Did you know that there is no one else who can be a better You than You?
So reflect on the fact that all you have to do today is to be the BEST YOU you can be. And in so doing you create a ripple effect that encourages everyone else to be their Best. And they in turn, create a Be Your Best ripple ... and on and on it goes expanding out further and further.
Did you know that the world is a better place with you in it? IT IS!
You are important and You matter.
Today I will be the Best Me I can Be!
Have your Best You ever today!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Did you know that in the Universal Design of All that is - there are no EXTRA human beings brought into this existence for the express purpose of just taking up air space?
Did you know that every human being was created with magnificence in mind?
Did you know that the seeds of Greatness were planted within you from the very beginning?
Did you know that regardless of your past that you can make a fresh start Today? Right now in this moment?
Did you know that when you choose to be the Best You that you can be - that alone is a Powerful Purpose?
Did you know that there is no one else who can be a better You than You?
So reflect on the fact that all you have to do today is to be the BEST YOU you can be. And in so doing you create a ripple effect that encourages everyone else to be their Best. And they in turn, create a Be Your Best ripple ... and on and on it goes expanding out further and further.
Did you know that the world is a better place with you in it? IT IS!
You are important and You matter.
Today I will be the Best Me I can Be!
Have your Best You ever today!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Say Yes I Can!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought Today:
Remember when you were little and you would dream about what you would become when you grew up?
A Scientist, An Actor, a famous Artist, an Olympic Champion, an Astronaut or even President?
When we were little those aspirations did not seem unattainable or impossible. They seemed quite reasonable and logical. After all we saw examples of these professions and more demonstrated on TV, heard it on the radio, in magazines, the Internet; we learned about them in school. So if they could do it - why not me?
Then at some point we received some mixed messages from adults, perhaps it was a parent, aunt or uncle, a teacher, a minister, someone in authority who created doubts in our hearts and minds about who we are and what we could become.
So, today, reconnect with your inner child and tap back into that feeling that anything was possible.
Then whatever you aspire to become or do - just go for it! You can Do It!
I Believe in Me and I say Yes I Can! to my dreams and goals!
Have an Oh Yes You Can Friday!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Remember when you were little and you would dream about what you would become when you grew up?
A Scientist, An Actor, a famous Artist, an Olympic Champion, an Astronaut or even President?
When we were little those aspirations did not seem unattainable or impossible. They seemed quite reasonable and logical. After all we saw examples of these professions and more demonstrated on TV, heard it on the radio, in magazines, the Internet; we learned about them in school. So if they could do it - why not me?
Then at some point we received some mixed messages from adults, perhaps it was a parent, aunt or uncle, a teacher, a minister, someone in authority who created doubts in our hearts and minds about who we are and what we could become.
So, today, reconnect with your inner child and tap back into that feeling that anything was possible.
Then whatever you aspire to become or do - just go for it! You can Do It!
I Believe in Me and I say Yes I Can! to my dreams and goals!
Have an Oh Yes You Can Friday!
Mary Ellen Pierce
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Be Your Own Cheerleader
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought today:
Many times we look outside of ourselves for approval, appreciation, or an encouraging word and if we don't get it, our inner critic comes alive and begins to whisper things like, " you must not be doing a good job," or " no one is noticing so you must have to work harder" or "you're not that special so why should someone say something nice to you."
Well today is the first day a of a new beginning! Today we say to our inner critic "You're FIRED!" And then we introduce a new member of our inner team, your very own Cheerleader!
Your inner Cheerleader says :"You're doing a great job, keep up the good work!" and "Be a Leader, lead the way!", "Just keep going and keep a great attitude!" and "Stay Strong, Positive and Focused!"
Notice how different you feel about yourself and in turn everyone around you.
So today get rid of the inner critic and be your own Cheerleader and Cheer Yourself On!
Then take it a step further and cheer someone else on. After all, there's probably inner critics active in many of your co-workers, family and friends too! So instead of being silent and waiting for someone to come to you - go to them!
Be the change that you want to see and set the example. Tell someone they are doing a good job, or give a specific appreciation, or let someone know that you're happy to see them.
Dazzle people today with your smile, your attitude and your support!
Today I take the lead and cheer myself on by cheering others up!
Have a Cheerful Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Many times we look outside of ourselves for approval, appreciation, or an encouraging word and if we don't get it, our inner critic comes alive and begins to whisper things like, " you must not be doing a good job," or " no one is noticing so you must have to work harder" or "you're not that special so why should someone say something nice to you."
Well today is the first day a of a new beginning! Today we say to our inner critic "You're FIRED!" And then we introduce a new member of our inner team, your very own Cheerleader!
Your inner Cheerleader says :"You're doing a great job, keep up the good work!" and "Be a Leader, lead the way!", "Just keep going and keep a great attitude!" and "Stay Strong, Positive and Focused!"
Notice how different you feel about yourself and in turn everyone around you.
So today get rid of the inner critic and be your own Cheerleader and Cheer Yourself On!
Then take it a step further and cheer someone else on. After all, there's probably inner critics active in many of your co-workers, family and friends too! So instead of being silent and waiting for someone to come to you - go to them!
Be the change that you want to see and set the example. Tell someone they are doing a good job, or give a specific appreciation, or let someone know that you're happy to see them.
Dazzle people today with your smile, your attitude and your support!
Today I take the lead and cheer myself on by cheering others up!
Have a Cheerful Thursday!
Mary Ellen
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Everyday in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Only a Positive Thought Away
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought for the Day:
If there are ripples that threaten to disturb your serenity, peace or sanity today, realize all you have to do is change your thoughts about the situation.
When we change our thoughts, our world changes.
So today keep focused on the positive, on gratitude and on feeling good. Let everything else fall away.
Today I am only a positive thought away from serenity.
Have a serene Wednesday!
If there are ripples that threaten to disturb your serenity, peace or sanity today, realize all you have to do is change your thoughts about the situation.
When we change our thoughts, our world changes.
So today keep focused on the positive, on gratitude and on feeling good. Let everything else fall away.
Today I am only a positive thought away from serenity.
Have a serene Wednesday!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Love Lives Within
For the CED challenge this months theme is Home and I decided to paint a rock with a home. When I was taking the picture the flash (which I could not seem to adjust) kept blocking out the words or picture. The picture on the left was pic #6 and I was about to delete because of the flash reflection when I noticed that it perfectly surrounded the heart in the window of the home and decided to keep it as it seemed to highlight the message I painted on the rock. I took another picture right away (in case it didn't print up nicely) and although the detail on the picture to the right is clearer I kept the one on the left also because the heart message seemed clearer.
This was a first for me as I usually just paint hearts, flowers, doodles and was hesitant to try something unfamiliar. So now I get to tell myself "Way to Go!" Now I get to glaze it and seal it!
This was a first for me as I usually just paint hearts, flowers, doodles and was hesitant to try something unfamiliar. So now I get to tell myself "Way to Go!" Now I get to glaze it and seal it!
Spread the Love!
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought for the Weekend:
Happy Friday!
Sunday is Valentines Day. Today children will be going to school clutching their bag full of valentines to give to their classmates and their teachers. They will be eagerly awaiting all the valentines that will be given to them. When they go home they will excited to show all their valentines to mom and dad.
In the child's view they are excited about love itself! They are excited and eager to show love simply, innocently, fully and completely just for the sake of love itself.
Put no one outside your heart today. See how wonderful your day unfolds when love is the driving force. It will feel so good you may just want to do it all weekend!
Today and this weekend I allow love to color my world.
Have a love filled weekend!
Here is an Affirmation Rock I painted reminding me of the importance of being Heart Centered.
Happy Friday!
Sunday is Valentines Day. Today children will be going to school clutching their bag full of valentines to give to their classmates and their teachers. They will be eagerly awaiting all the valentines that will be given to them. When they go home they will excited to show all their valentines to mom and dad.
Today let's take our cue from children. Today let's demonstrate true love to everyone we encounter. True love is about unconditional acceptance - so let there be no judgment of self or others today.
True love is a smile and warm glow that won't go away - so share your smile and warm the soul of everyone you meet today.
True love offers compassion and melts the frigid exterior of the most hardened hearts - so offer kindness today to someone who would least expect it.
True love emanates from within so fill your own heart with love of self and let it overflow and spill out into the world.Put no one outside your heart today. See how wonderful your day unfolds when love is the driving force. It will feel so good you may just want to do it all weekend!
Today and this weekend I allow love to color my world.
Have a love filled weekend!
Here is an Affirmation Rock I painted reminding me of the importance of being Heart Centered.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Home and Heart

Start off in the right direction
Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought for the day:
When you get up in the morning, that is the best time to start your day off in the right direction. Many times we are on auto pilot in the morning barely thinking about what we are doing or more importantly the spirit with which we are doing it. How your day is going right now is a direct result of how you started your day.
Stop! and take a moment to disengage auto pilot and re-engage your attitude and your intention about what you are doing and the direction you want to go in.
Today I choose to be in charge of my day, my thoughts and my attitude.
Have a bright and uplifting Thursday!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
When you get up in the morning, that is the best time to start your day off in the right direction. Many times we are on auto pilot in the morning barely thinking about what we are doing or more importantly the spirit with which we are doing it. How your day is going right now is a direct result of how you started your day.
Stop! and take a moment to disengage auto pilot and re-engage your attitude and your intention about what you are doing and the direction you want to go in.
Today I choose to be in charge of my day, my thoughts and my attitude.
Have a bright and uplifting Thursday!
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Positive Support Network
Today's Get Jazzed & Joyful Thought:
Focus today on your support network. Who are the people that you can count on to raise your spirits, that support your greatest good, will tell you the truth, speak from their heart to yours. People that are positive, that cheer you on in your dreams and goals.
People that when you get done talking to them you feel better, are in a better mood, you feel good about you.
Hang onto the people that exist right now for you that you feel support you with positivity, truth and love.
Today I look for and seek out people that are positive, healthy and nurturing for my positive support network.
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Focus today on your support network. Who are the people that you can count on to raise your spirits, that support your greatest good, will tell you the truth, speak from their heart to yours. People that are positive, that cheer you on in your dreams and goals.
People that when you get done talking to them you feel better, are in a better mood, you feel good about you.
Hang onto the people that exist right now for you that you feel support you with positivity, truth and love.
Today I look for and seek out people that are positive, healthy and nurturing for my positive support network.
Get Jazzed & Joyful About You, Every Day in Every Way!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Take charge of ME!
Today is an excellent day to look at your progress on your goals and resolutions for this New Year.... Now pause for a moment, did your inner critic just get activated? Reminding you of how little progress you have actually made? Perfect! Because right now in this moment is the perfect time to tell your inner critic to sit down, be quiet and take notice that there is a brand new sheriff, YOU, in town!
Right now instead of letting your inner critic run rampant over your thoughts and feelings take a few moments to ponder this:
In reality there is no right or wrong - there is only what is working for you and not working for you - and making adjustments accordingly.
So today for Me, I will remind myself in thought, verbally and I will put it on paper the things that are working for Me, all the ways in which I am moving forward to a better ME. I will jot down only ONE thing that is NOT working for Me - yes perfectionist I said only ONE. I will ask myself what adjustments can I make on this one thing to either make it work for my highest good OR to let it go? It might be an attitude adjustment, time management adjustment, it might be an awareness of inner resistance, might be making my workspace more cheerful or uncluttered, might be taking a quick break to de-stress, going out into nature to clear the cobwebs from my mind, might be limiting my time in a negative environment or with an emotionally draining person. I will put my solution skills to the test and find a way to make an adjustment that works FOR Me.
Then I will remind myself of my commitment to myself and all the things that are working - because I AM working them.
Now I will tell my inner critic "You're fired!"
I will Repeat this process as often as necessary and whittle my not working list down to almost nothing.
I am the C.E.O. of Me and I take charge of my life, my goals and my Mind!
I am going to have a take charge of ME Tuesday!
How about you?
Right now instead of letting your inner critic run rampant over your thoughts and feelings take a few moments to ponder this:
In reality there is no right or wrong - there is only what is working for you and not working for you - and making adjustments accordingly.
So today for Me, I will remind myself in thought, verbally and I will put it on paper the things that are working for Me, all the ways in which I am moving forward to a better ME. I will jot down only ONE thing that is NOT working for Me - yes perfectionist I said only ONE. I will ask myself what adjustments can I make on this one thing to either make it work for my highest good OR to let it go? It might be an attitude adjustment, time management adjustment, it might be an awareness of inner resistance, might be making my workspace more cheerful or uncluttered, might be taking a quick break to de-stress, going out into nature to clear the cobwebs from my mind, might be limiting my time in a negative environment or with an emotionally draining person. I will put my solution skills to the test and find a way to make an adjustment that works FOR Me.
Then I will remind myself of my commitment to myself and all the things that are working - because I AM working them.
Now I will tell my inner critic "You're fired!"
I will Repeat this process as often as necessary and whittle my not working list down to almost nothing.
I am the C.E.O. of Me and I take charge of my life, my goals and my Mind!
I am going to have a take charge of ME Tuesday!
How about you?
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