Welcome to my blog! My name is Mary Ellen Pierce and I want to invite you to Get Jazzed & Joyful about who you are, every day in every way! I believe that no matter what you do in life, it is important to believe in yourself and your goals and to realize it's okay to enjoy the journey and have fun along the way!
Along my journey I have discovered my inner artist to help me create expressions of myself using collage, altered art, mixed media and scrapbook techniques. I have enlisted the aid of my inner cheerleader to keep me motivated to be the Best ME that I can be!
And I want to inspire others to realize that when you get Jazzed and Joyful about being You, then what you do will turn into success, prosperity and happiness!
Believe in Yourself, Anything is Possible!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Well I am back from up north and feeling recharged! The weather was absolutely perfect! It was awesome to see my friends, watch the boats in the harbor and truly relax and just have fun. Laughter is truly good for the soul and my friends and my husband and I got together played games, sat by the water and gabbed and shared stories and laughed until our sides hurt!
And of course I overpacked everything I brought, including my travel art bag which I hardly used because I was too busy enjoying my friends.
I did however take out my new Blogging book, Blogging for Bliss by Tara Frey and read some more and take notes to follow up on this week. One of my friends suggested we go to the movies and several of us decided to go. However the movie we wanted to see was not playing at any of the small theaters up north so we all came to a compromise and decided to go see Julia and Julie. I only knew it had something to do with Julia Child and my husband was not really excited about it but being the good sport that he is he went along too.
And lo and behold! Five minutes into the movie I discover it is about blogging! Wow! Coincidence? I think not! The movie was fabulous, the cast superb, and everyone, including my husband loved it! And it was based on a true story which affirmed even more powerfully to me that I should continue with my Blog.

I am still surprised sometimes how the Universe takes seemingly trivial events like going to a movie out of town and use it to get a message across to me about the truth of a plan of action that I had just decided on!

So I am going to continue on and let the Universe and the powers that be guide me along the way. It is usually much more interesting, powerful and rewarding to do so!

Until next time!

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