Well I making wonderful progress on the front door to my studio. I got the idea when we first started building the studio about doing something fun, funky and inviting to people who enter the studio. After I painted the primer on the door which is grey and then white on the window panes it looked really good and I decided to leave the primer color on and paint my design on top of it. I knew I wanted it to say "Open the Door to Possibilities" but wasn't sure what else or what other colors to use. After many drawings on paper I was ready to do the door but was not sure how to do the dimensions.
I am soooo grateful to my hubby for assisting me with this - he measured it out on the door exactly in pencil and then I took it from there.
Each day depending on the weather I am adding another coat of paint and/or fine tuning the flowers on the door- I still have some work to do but I am happy with the way it is turning out. I will post a picture of the final result.